Company Policies

Quality Policy

ISO 9001

Warmflow Engineering Co. Ltd. provides high quality, safe and effective heating and security products, maintains compliance with ISO 9001: 2015, MCS 010 and with regulatory requirements, and assures customer satisfaction by continually monitoring and improving product and process performances against defined and measurable objectives.

Environmental Policy

ISO 14001

In pursuance of excellent environmental and energy performance, we will operate to industry best practice on environmental issues. We will protect the environment and prevent pollution incidents by, complying with pertaining environmental legislation and striving to develop highly efficient and environmentally responsible heating products, using renewable materials and energy resources, where economically viable. We will strive to continually improve the performance of our EMS through the involvement of our work force.

H&S Policy

ISO 45001

In the design, production and distribution of our heating products we will provide a safe and healthy working environment, to prevent work related injury and ill health. In pursuance of this objective, we will fulfil all legal and other related requirements and through consultation and participation of our workers, and worker representatives, eliminate hazards and reduce risks, and continually improve our OH&S management system.